Catching the Tate brothers, step by step. Who noticed that the two influencers deal with sexual slavery and how they ended up in court

Publicat: 31/12/2022, 10:17
Actualizat: 31/12/2022, 10:51

The Tate brothers, „hit” by the masked, the news of the end of the year in the jet set. The detention of the two, Tristan and Andrew Tate, for 24 hours and their referral by the DIICOT prosecutor to a judge with a proposal for 30 days pretrial detention was,  as we will see, only the peak of this extensive case.

In April of this year, the police, and prosecutors from Ilfov county made a first raid on the Pipera villa of the brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate. The two were accused of kidnapping two women (one, an American citizen) who were to be trafficked on the sex market.

UPDATE 21.30 hours – The Tate brothers were remanded in custody for 30 days on Friday, along with the former policewoman involved in the case in which they are accused of human trafficking.

UPDATE 15:00 hours – The Tate brothers’ trial has been interrupted because the person doing the translation had to be changed. The interpreter did not adequately translate what was being discussed at the trial. Read HERE the latest information from the courtroom.

UPDATE Friday, December 30, 14:30 hours – The brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate are in the dock waiting for the trial to begin. The delay of a few tens of minutes is caused by finding a translator, given that the Tate brothers are native English speakers.

UPDATE Friday, December 30, 12:00 hours – The investigation into the crimes committed by the brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate is being conducted by one of DIICOT’s toughest prosecutors. Magistrate Rareș Petru Stan is a well-known name in the system, as he is the prosecutor coordinating some of the most difficult cases.

After the arrest of the bloody drug dealer Marian Bejan, Rareș Petru Stan received death threats, so DIICOT requested special troops to guard the incisive prosecutor.

Among other famous files handled by Rareș Petru Stan is the one regarding the fire in the Colectiv club.

Read HERE more on this topic.

UPDATE Thursday, December 29 the Tate brothers and the ex-policewoman were detained for 24 hours. The searches at the villa of the Tate brothers, accused of human trafficking, ended after several hours. Tristan and Andrew Tate, as well as the former policewoman who helped them, were handcuffed and taken to the DIICOT headquarters for questioning.

DIICOT sent the following press release regarding this case:

„In the case, it was noted that, at the beginning of 2021, 4 suspects (two British citizens and two Romanian citizens) constituted a criminal group organized with a view to committing the crime of human trafficking on the territory of Romania, but also of other countries, such as the USA and the UK.

The injured persons were recruited by British citizens by misrepresenting their intention to enter a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of real feelings of love (the «loverboy» method).

They were later transported and housed in some buildings in Ilfov county where, by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members who forced them to perform pornographic acts for the purpose of producing and disseminating through social media platforms material having such a character and by subjecting them by force to the execution of a work, in order to obtain important financial benefits consisting in the sums of money obtained as a result of accessing said materials by the users.

To date, 6 injured persons who were sexually exploited by the organized criminal group have been identified.

With regard to the crime of rape, it was noted that, in March 2022, an injured person was forced by a suspect to have sexual intercourse, on two different occasions, through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure.

At the headquarters of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Central Structure, 4 people who are reasonably suspected of being involved in criminal activity were brought for questioning.

Following the hearings, the prosecutors of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Central Structure ordered the measure of detention for a period of 24 hours against the 4 persons”.

UK media fabrications

The press in Great Britain „fables” about the 24-hour detention of the two brothers.

Tristan and Andrew Tate were tracked and followed for months, from April until December, based on technical surveillance warrants, and their capture had absolutely nothing to do with the establishing of the Tate brothers presence in Romania based on a photo with a box of pizza, photo posted by them on social networks.

Judicial sources refuted, EXCLUSIVELY for Gândul the story of the British media regarding the way in which DIICOT would have found out the precise location of the two and their presence in the Pipera residence. Specifically, the cited judicial sources state that prosecutors and organized crime officers acted on the day of the search based on warrants issued by the rights and liberties judge at the Bucharest Court.

This aspect, the cited sources explain, denotes the fact that the criminal investigation was close to its end, and during this inquiry technical surveillance warrants were issued by the same judges from the Bucharest Tribunal.

Thus, the two toxic influencers were shadowed, wiretapped, had their telephone calls intercepted and were monitored by satellite.

British journalists from numerous leading publications, citing the Romanian journal Gândul with reference to the Tate brothers case, insisted that Andrew Tate would have given himself away and thus the investigators discovered that he was in Romania after getting embroiled in a war of words with Greta Thunberg on social networks .

The influencer was allegedly followed by DIICOT prosecutors on social networks, and he published a video alongside two pizza boxes of a Romanian brand.

The Tate brothers and an ex-policewoman, detained for 24 hours

After several delays, the case of the two brothers gained speed, and on Thursday, December 29, the DIICOT prosecutors descended once more to the Pipera villa of the brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate.

The first searches were organized by the Ilfov police, mobilized based on a notification from the US Embassy in Bucharest. Apparently, it was the boyfriend of one of the young women who called the US Embassy and announced that his girlfriend was being held by force in the house of some Englishmen settled in Pipera. There, she was allegedly forced to work as a video chat model.

On this occasion, the Romanian investigators discovered that the brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate lived in a real fortress. Their residence was guarded by professional ex-military personnel. In another house, rented nearby, 500 meters away, there was a video chat studio where many young women worked, including the woman with American citizenship, but also a young woman from the Republic of Moldova.

The two would have told the investigators that they were held by force, being recruited by the „loverboy” method, a method commonly used by human traffickers. In context, the young woman with American citizenship told how she met Tristan Tate online, via a social network, and he seduced her and convinced her to come to Romania. In love, she left her boyfriend and came to live in Pipera with the famous influencer Tristan Tate.

Shortly afterwards, however, the threats began, and she was forced to work as a video chat model. Scared, she managed to contact her former friend, who in turn alerted the US Embassy in Bucharest.

The investigators waited for the Tate brothers to return to Romania

For nine months, prosecutors gathered information and pieced together all the evidence seized from the Tate brothers’ mansion and the video chat studio. Thus, they managed to prove that the accusations made at the hearings by the alleged victims were real.

Sources close to the investigation told Gândul that shortly after the completion of the computer expertise, the authorities waited for the right moment to catch the Tate brothers, who were always out of the country.

After seeing, including on social networks, that they were together in Romania, the DIICOT prosecutors mobilized the special troops of the Gendarmerie and descended, in force, to their villa in Pipera, but also to other addresses.

The quoted sources stated that one of the searches targeted a former policewoman from the 7th Section, who left the Capital Police and started videochatting. She is accused that, in addition to working side by side with the rest of the models, she would have taken care to put pressure on the girls held in the studio against their will.

The woman was taken to DIICOT headquarters for questioning.

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